Stop and Smell the Roses! Focus!

“The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

Dan Millman

We all want to be happy. That’s obvious.
Though I started wondering how much would people be willing to pay for a moment of happiness?

Research reveals that other than pure love and dodging discomfort, people were willing to pay the most for happiness. Many experiments have also shown that the key to happiness comes down to one word __ FOCUS.
The Buddha said, we are what we think. With our thoughts we make the world. I agree.... people always think more money or a better this or that is going to make them happier. But when we look at the data, very happy people don’t experience more happy events than less happy people. What you pay attention to is what truly matters, not really what is the perspective you take on things.
We humans have the unique ability to focus on things that aren’t happening right now. And it’s difficult nowadays for people to remain focused on one task because we live in a world where we’re constantly bombarded with the TV, Internet, cell phones, social media etc. Also, the modern economy is almost entirely dependent on consumerism. Governments and companies need us to keep spending so that they can keep raising money through taxes, sales and lending. This means more and more advertising.... more mails, more neon signs, more messages in more disruptive ways right into our faces.
With so many people trying to get our attention it’s more important that we learn to shut it all out and get focused because attention is the glue that holds our lives together!
To participate in our modern world today we require technology. We pay our bills, communicate, get our news, apply for jobs and learn through apps. The old-fashioned way doesn’t work anymore. We have to adapt, but it’s up to us how to do it. Do we text someone across the house instead of moving or waiting till we can talk? Do we keep our phone attached to us at all times, like during dinner or in company? Do we opt to interact with others as little as possible and rely on technology as a go between.?
So, we have to admit that attention is under siege! And how can we rescue it for our use again?

I suggest you begin by “savouring” .... next time something good happens, give it a minute, appreciate the moment. Pay attention to it. Relish something you usually hurry through. People who take the time to appreciate beauty around them are happier. To stop and smell the roses really is valuable and the benefits are many:
1. You are quicker. When you focus on a single task your brain becomes focused on that task alone. That helps you complete whatever project much quicker.
2. Your quality quotient is higher. With more focus your creativity kicks in, you find ways to do the same things in better ways. As you come up with new ideas you obviously create less stress...
3. With less stress you don’t take on what others should be doing, you can delegate easier and you don’t spend your energy on futile things which shouldn’t be done at all.

Attention is an energy and when we give our complete attention to someone or something, we are relating to we increase the energy of that exchange.... we help to raise the vibration of that exchange and everyone benefits.
So, let’s learn to be conscious of where our energy is being spent, learn to conserve and redirect it to make for healthier, more conscious relating.
