Honour Myself

Here, in India, when we fold our hands in greeting, what we really mean is, "I respect the God within you." It is also the recognition that we both have the potential of the highest, the most honourable, the God-like part of us.

The understanding of the word honour can be abstract at times and oftentimes it gets aligned to trust or respect. Yet to me it is more...it is something we offer someone. It is something that we decide to do of our own initiative, simply because it's the best way to be.

A deeper understanding of the word....beyond what we offer another, is the honour we gift ourselves. When I honour the highest within me I step away from the self-defeating habits of putting myself down, not acknowledging my worth, not loving myself or using my energy to manipulate instead of inspiring myself and others.

So ask yourselves....what are the ways I honour myself?
It's an absolute win-win!
