our lives we have experiences that re-enforce our self-image good, or bad. Let
me give you an example….
then act on what our self-image is telling us. Then we judge our performance
and talk to ourselves about it, which re-enforces and guarantees that we will
act the same way in the future. Round and round this goes and this becomes a
self-fulfilling prophecy.. We say to ourselves, “If I do this, this will
happen.” If this image is negative we are convinced it will bring failure… so I
don’t do this well becomes “I can’t do this” which turns into “I won’t do it!”
If we grew up expecting failure, we will manifest it. And if we feel badly
about ourselves, we have a difficult time liking or accepting ourselves.
much of our self-image is based on mis-perception and conditioned fears, that
we grew up believing to be true about ourselves… so all through our lives we
role-play these beliefs as though they are true. From childhood this carries
into adulthood and the world becomes a reflection of our beliefs. No matter how
much we want to forget past traumas, no matter how much we’ve repressed them,
the memory of past events is still alive. In addition, even though we may not
consciously recall them when making choices in the present, those memories
unite with our present experience of life.
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